Le Nouveau Carreau du Temple by Studio Milou Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter Award for Heritage, June 2019


Le Nouveau Carreau du Temple by Studio Milou, Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter Award for Heritage.

28 June 2019.

Jean Francois Milou and the studioMilou team is honoured to have received three awards this week at the 2019 Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter, held in Dubai. Jean Francois Milou and the studioMilou team is honoured to announce the Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter Heritage award for ‘Le Carreau du Temple’ in Paris. https://architectureau.com/articles/2019-international-chapter-architecture-awards/ Involving the rehabilitation of one the last 19th century steel and glass market structures in the heart of Paris, the project created a community culture, sporting and events centre, working with the historic fabric of the building in ways which maintain its innate ambiance while integrating radically new and modular functions. We want to express our deepest gratitude to the City of Paris, the municipality and communities of the 4th arrondissement, our teams in both Paris and Singapore, and all the professionals involved in the making, for the opportunity to collaborate on this project. And we thank the Australian institute of Architects with all of our hearts for this recognition. https://www.studiomilou.sg/projects/the-new-carreau-du-temple-paris/