Georgia 87, Introductory visit to the Gelati world heritage site in Georgia, July 2023


Georgia 87
Introductory visit to the Gelati world heritage site in Georgia, July 2023

Upon the invitation of the Georgian national museum and the scientific committee for the management of the Gelati world heritage site, Suzanne ogge and Jean Francois Milou, visited the Gelati monastery complex with father David, Archimandrite head of the Gelati Monastery, and David Lordkipanidze head of the Gelati scientific committee and director of the Georgian national museum.

In this visit, the need of an alternative masterplan to design a sensitive visitor route in the everyday life of the monastery was discussed.

Suzanne Ogge and Jean Francois Milou submitted a proposal to assist the scientific committee in defining alternative directions for the development of the monastery.