Georgia 31, The studioMilou team in Dmanisi, Georgia, June 2019

The studioMilou team in Dmanisi

Fernando javier Urquijo has joined the studiomilou team in its working trip in Georgia documenting the work of the studio on the Dmanisi visitor center and on the Tbilisi Georgian National Museum Masterplan. The studioMilou team in this mission included Suzanne Ogge, Lam Nguyen and Jean François Milou.

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Georgia 30, Georgian National Museum Street Masterplan, Tbilisi, June 2019

Georgian National Museum Street Masterplan

Suzanne Ogge and Jean Francois Milou partners of studiomilou assessing the Georgian National Museum Collection in Tbilisi and discussing with curatorial team, in a mission to monitor and advise on the development of the Museum Street Masterplan on 13th June 2019. 

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National Gallery 29, New $20 Note Featuring the National Gallery Singapore

New $20 Note to Commemorate Singapore's Bicentennial

President Halimah Yacob today launched a $20 currency note to commemorate Singapore’s Bicentennial. The note, issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), depicts Singapore’s journey to nationhood and pays tribute to our forebears who laid the foundations for modern Singapore. In conjunction with the Bicentennial, the MAS Gallery is also exhibiting for the first time a rare collection of currency notes and coins that trace the development of Singapore’s currency over the past 200 years.

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National Gallery 28, Hong Kong Design Trust Visit to National Gallery Singapore

Hong Kong Design Trust Visit to National Gallery Singapore

A real pleasure to have taken a few hours yesterday with members of the Hong Kong Heritage Trust, as they exchanged experiences around the adaptive reuse of existing buildings with Jean Francois Milou at the National Gallery Singapore.

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Nassim 27, "House N” Completion of External Structure, Singapore, June 2019

"House N” Completion of External Structure

The backbone of the house is built. The trees, the bronze elements, the delicate wooden screen, the floating ceiling are on the way. The colonnades are reflected by the pools here and there. The completion is scheduled for the end of the year

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News 26, 28 years later, The Journalist Jean Francois Pousse and the Photographer Fernando Urquijo, May 2019

28 years later, The journalist Jean Francois Pousse and the Photographer Fernando Urquijo

The journalist Jean François Pousse wrote the first publication on 1992 on our Cerizay urban project  when he was the editor in chief of « Technique and Architecture ».Jean Francois Pousse introduced me at that time to the photographer Fernando Urquijo when I was looking for a photographer for a social housing project in this urban project in Cerizay.

28 years later , Jean Francois Pousse published an article and an interview of Jean Francois Milou about the “ Comedie de Saint Etienne” in the a new issue of Architecture CREE. Fernando Urquijo is still the exclusive photographer of the Studiomilou and he made all the photos for this article.

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Carreau 25, Jean Francois Milou and Mr Dung at the Carreau du Temple, Paris, April 2019

Jean Francois Milou and Mr Dung at the Carreau du Temple

After our submission of the detail concept for the Hanoi Viaduct, Mr and Mrs Dung and jean Francois Milou met in Paris at the end of April 2019 and visit the Carreau du Temple during the installation of the annual Paris Puppet Theatre Festival.

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News 24, Jean Francois Milou Visit to Louvre Museum, Paris, April 2019

Jean Francois Milou Visit to Louvre Museum

Jean Francois Milou visiting the beautiful Daru staircase and “La Victoire de Samothrace” after it’s restoration in the Louvre Museum in April 2019.

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Georgia 23, The National Museum of Georgia's Facade, Tbilisi, April 2019

The National Museum of Georgia's Facade

studioMilou was from 2003 to 2007 in charge of the masterplan of the National museum of Georgia (hhtp….). Additionally Studio Milou worked on a few small case study projects “the Dmanisi survey interpretation Museum” (http…), “the GNM auditorium” , the “opening of the façade of the GNM on Rustaveli Avenue”. This opening of the Façade on Rustaveli Avenue was a game changer in the life of the Museum and allows many more  people to access to the Museum from Rustaveli Avenue.

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National Gallery 22, Feature of National Gallery in the Singapore Passport, Singapore, April 2019

Feature of National Gallery in the Singapore Passport

The National Gallery, Singapore was featured in the recent Singapore Passport.

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