Georgia 52, Museum of Fine Arts, Tbilisi, Georgia, January 2020
Georgia 51, Dmanisi Visitor Center, Georgia, January 2020
News 50, The Beauty of River Valley Close, Singapore, January 2020
Nassim 49, House N, Casting of Bronze Doors and Fences Panels
Nassim 48, House N, Araucaria Cunninghamii, November 2019
News 47, "A Ring of Peace", Da Nang, Vietnam, October 2019
Nassim 46, The Road to House N, Singapore, October 2019
Georgia 45, Interview of Suzanne Ogge and Jean Francois Milou about 15 years of Collaboration with the Georgian National Museum, Georgia, September 2019
Georgia 44, Georgian National Museum having organized the presentation and discussion with curators from the Georgia State Fine Arts Musem in Tbilisi, September 2019
Nassim 43, “House N” Preparation of Lighting Mock-Up, Singapore, August 2019
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